Is My Husband a Narcissist?

Is My Husband a Narcissist?

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The silence hangs heavy, punctuated only by the ticking clock and the gnawing ache in your heart. Your wedding ring feels colder than usual, reflecting a chilling question that echoes in your mind: “Is my husband a narcissist?” The doubt lingers, a serpent coiling around your every joy, whispering suspicions through the cracks of your seemingly perfect life.

Did those extravagant compliments once feel like sunshine, only to morph into barbed wires of manipulation? Does his charm turn on a dime, replaced by icy rage if you dare to breathe an independent thought? You yearn for validation, for warmth, for the man you loved who seemed so radiant, yet his gaze seems distant, reflecting only his own inflated image.

You are not alone. This silent struggle, this dance with a phantom of love, is shared by countless women. Today, we embark on a journey of education, peeling back the layers of confusion to unlock the truth. Armed with knowledge and understanding, we’ll examine the definitions and telltale signs, so you can ask yourself the lingering question: Is my husband a narcissist?



In psychology, narcissism refers to a personality pattern characterized by:

Exaggerated sense of self-importance: People with narcissism often believe they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They may have inflated ideas about their own abilities, achievements, or intelligence.

Need for admiration: Narcissists crave constant admiration and attention from others. They may engage in behaviors like bragging, name-dropping, or seeking out situations where they can be the center of attention.

Lack of empathy: Narcissists have difficulty understanding or caring about the feelings of others. They may be insensitive to the needs and concerns of those around them and may exploit others for their own personal gain.

Envy and competitiveness: Narcissists often envy the success or achievements of others and may try to belittle or discredit them. They may engage in competitive behavior even in situations where it is not appropriate.

Grandiose fantasies: Narcissists may have unrealistic fantasies about their own success, power, or brilliance. They may daydream about achieving great things or being admired by everyone.

Arrogant and haughty behavior: Narcissists often come across as arrogant, haughty, and condescending. They may look down on others and believe they are above the rules.

Unreasonable expectations: Narcissists often have unreasonable expectations of others, both in terms of how they should be treated and what they should do. They may become angry or frustrated if these expectations are not met.

It’s important to note that narcissism exists on a spectrum, and not everyone who exhibits some of these traits will have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a clinical diagnosis. However, if these traits are pervasive and cause significant distress or impairment in functioning, NPD may be present.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about narcissism:

  • Narcissism can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, childhood experiences, and environmental influences.
  • There is no cure for narcissism, but treatment can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their relationships.
  • If you are in a relationship with someone with narcissism, it is important to set boundaries and protect your own well-being.

Narcissists often weave a tangled web of affection and manipulation, employing tactics like love bombing and gaslighting to reel in and control their partners. In the early stages, they may shower their target with intense affection, compliments, and grand gestures, creating a whirlwind of infatuation and dependence. This love bombing creates a false sense of intimacy and obligation, making it easier to later employ gaslighting. When doubts or concerns arise, the narcissist masterfully twists reality, denying actions, invalidating feelings, and leaving the partner questioning their own sanity. This manipulative cocktail can leave victims feeling confused, isolated, and trapped in a cycle of seeking the narcissist’s approval, only to be met with further emotional manipulation.

Love Bombing:

Love bombing, also known as affection bombing, is a manipulative behavior where someone showers excessive attention, affection, and gifts on another person, often early in a relationship or friendship. The goal is to create a sense of dependence and obligation in the recipient, making them more susceptible to control and manipulation.

Here are some key characteristics of love bombing:

  • Excessive displays of affection: This can include constant compliments, declarations of love, unwanted physical touch, and over-the-top gestures like grand gifts or surprise trips.
  • Idealization: The love bomber may put the recipient on a pedestal, making them feel like they’re perfect and irreplaceable.
  • Moving too fast: The relationship or friendship may progress at an unrealistic pace, with the love bomber quickly wanting to become exclusive or intimate.
  • Isolation: The love bomber may try to isolate the recipient from their friends and family, making them more reliant on them.
  • Controlling behavior: Once the recipient is hooked, the love bomber may start to become controlling, using guilt, threats, or emotional manipulation to get what they want.

Love bombing can have serious consequences for the recipient, including:

  • Emotional dependence: Feeling like they can’t live without the love bomber.
  • Loss of self-esteem: The constant praise and attention can be addictive, but it can also lead to feeling insecure and worthless without it.
  • Confusion and doubt: The sudden shift in behavior can be confusing, making it hard to know what’s real and what’s not.
  • Fear of abandonment: The love bomber may threaten to leave if the recipient doesn’t comply with their wishes.


Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where someone manipulates another person’s perception of reality, making them question their own memories, judgment, and even sanity. In a marriage, this can be extremely damaging, eroding trust and creating an oppressive and confusing environment.

Here are some key characteristics of gaslighting in a marriage:

  • Denial and contradiction: The gaslighter blatantly denies things they said or did, even when there is evidence to the contrary. They may twist stories and events to make themselves look blameless and the victim appears unreliable.
  • Trivialization: The gaslighter dismisses the victim’s feelings and concerns as unimportant or overreactions. They may call them “too sensitive” or “crazy” for bringing up issues.
  • Projection: The gaslighter blames the victim for their own bad behavior or mistakes. They may accuse the victim of being manipulative or gaslighting them, shifting the focus and responsibility.
  • Isolation: The gaslighter tries to isolate the victim from their friends and family, making them more reliant on them and less likely to seek help or support.
  • Gaslighting by omission: The gaslighter purposefully leaves out information or withholds affection as a form of punishment or control. They may act cold or distant until the victim apologizes or complies with their wishes.

Here are some examples of gaslighting in a marriage:

  • A husband hides the wife’s car keys and then denies ever touching them, making her question her own memory.
  • A husband pretends to forget important dates or promises to make the wife feel insecure and questioning her judgment.
  • A spouse constantly criticizes the other’s appearance or intelligence, chipping away at their self-esteem and making them feel dependent on the gaslighter’s approval.
  • A partner forbids the other from seeing certain friends or family members, claiming they are “bad influences” or manipulative, effectively isolating them.

The effects of gaslighting can be serious and long-lasting, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. If you’re experiencing gaslighting in your marriage, it’s important to seek help from a qualified therapist or counselor who can support you and provide resources to navigate the situation.


If you’re experiencing gaslighting or love bombing, it is important to seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. You can also find more information and resources online, such as:

Remember, you deserve to be in a healthy and supportive relationship. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or pressured, it’s okay to walk away. You have options.

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

This is the first in a series of blog posts about loving a narcissist. Be on the lookout for our future blog posts to include:

  • Narcissistic Husband, Divorce Dilemma: Can You Leave or Save the Marriage?
  • Living with a Narcissistic Husband: A Survivor’s Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Sanity.
  • Beyond the Facade: The Hidden Reality of Marriage to a Narcissistic Husband.
  • From Love Bombing to Gaslighting: The Coercive Control Tactics of a Narcissistic Husband.

It is our goal to provide education about narcissism in order to empower you to make informed decisions about your life. Meade Law Group is here for you every step of your journey. Call us today to discuss your options.

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