What does a criminal defense attorney do? -Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

What does a criminal defense attorney do?

A criminal defense attorney performs many actions on behalf of their client, many being behind the scenes. So, what exactly does that entail? Analysis of Evidence Upon receiving Discovery documents or evidence against you, the attorney will have to take steps to properly analyze it.

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What Happens at the Lawyer’s Office? - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

What Happens at the Lawyer’s Office?

Intake Whether you as the defendant or a close contact calls the attorney’s office on your behalf, first an intake will occur. During this time biographical information and basic background information of the case at hand is given such as location, court, charges, upcoming court

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How do Ohio Courts decide custody? - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

How do Ohio Courts decide custody?

Ohio uses what is referred to as the “best interest of the child” standard to make custody determinations. This determination is made by the courts evaluation of the statutorily defined factors. Ohio law allows the judge to consider the wishes of both parents and the

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Grandparent right in Ohio, know your rights - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

​Grandparent Rights in Ohio, know your rights

Grandparents rights have been under debate for decades. Parents have a fundamental right from the constitution to choose who will and will not be involved in a child’s life. In some states, grandparents have a right to have a relationship with their grandchild. The term

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How is child support calculated in Ohio - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

​How is child support calculated in Ohio?

In Ohio, child support is calculated by a formula that has been codified into state law. That formula takes the parent’s gross income and combines them. The formula allows for certain deductions, such as local income tax, child support for other children, or spousal support paid or

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COVID-19 and Your Estate: What you Need to Know - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

​COVID-19 and Your Estate: What You Need to Know

Life has changed very rapidly for America over the last couple of months. Many have been affected: illness in family, loss of family members, loss of work, and almost every other facet of our lives. Having an estate plan is a safety net for your

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Divorce or Dissolution: What’s the Difference? - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

Divorce or Dissolution: What’s the Difference?

Divorces and Dissolutions are legal actions to end a marriage in Ohio. There are key differences between the two that can help you decid which method of ending your marriage is best for you. Every situation has a unique set of circumstances and variables that

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Covid-19 and the Ohio Courts - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

Covid-19 and the Ohio Courts

​There is non-stop news about the pandemic, its spread, and the increasingly drastic measures the Governor and the Ohio Department of Health are taking to combat the disease. Something the news is not reporting on is how the disease is affecting people’s legal court cases

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