June 2020

Parenting Schedules in the time of COVID-19: What to do and What to Expect - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

Parenting Schedules in the time of COVID-19: What to Do and What to Expect

The state of the world we currently find ourselves has not been seen in our lifetimes, possible never before seen. It is perfectly natural to feel out of your depth, especially when your children become involved. Many parents are asking questions, and we at Parks and Meade are here to help! ​Do I need to follow my custody agreement or parenting time order during the Stay-at-home order? The short answer to this question is yes. Ohio’s stay-at-home order states that one purpose for essential travel is to transport children to comply with a custody agreement. You are allowed to leave your home to transport your child to their other parent, and vice versa. Even with this being the case, what happens when one parent is deemed an essential worker? In […]

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COVID-19 and Your Estate: What you Need to Know - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

​COVID-19 and Your Estate: What You Need to Know

Life has changed very rapidly for America over the last couple of months. Many have been affected: illness in family, loss of family members, loss of work, and almost every other facet of our lives. Having an estate plan is a safety net for your family. Protect yourself, your family, and your finances by preparing an estate plan. ​Having a will ensures that your property is given to your family in a manner that you wish and may have discussed with your family. It allows you to leave property to persons other than your spouse or children, name a personal guardian for minor children, and to name an executor, someone you trust, to ensure that your will is carried out according to the terms you decided upon in your will.

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Divorce or Dissolution: What’s the Difference? - Meade Attorneys at Law | Columbus, OH

Divorce or Dissolution: What’s the Difference?

Divorces and Dissolutions are legal actions to end a marriage in Ohio. There are key differences between the two that can help you decid which method of ending your marriage is best for you. Every situation has a unique set of circumstances and variables that can make a separation complicated. Divorce law can be difficult to navigate on your own due to the high level of stress caused by the emotional toll often found in domestic relations cases, so it is important to start your case with the correct legal decisions. ​Why would I choose a divorce? Divorce is the option best suited for spouses that are unable to reach an agreement on the terms of separating a marriage – asset and debt division, parental rights, and support. Divorce actions

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