Juvenile Delinquency
The juvenile justice system in Ohio is different than the adult system and juveniles have fewer rights than adults. On top of that, a person’s brain is not fully developed until they are well into their 20s, making juveniles impetus and prone to making bad decisions. Add those two factors together and one impulsive action can irreparably damage a child’s entire future. That is why juvenile criminal defense attorney Darren Meade has made it his personal mission to represent juveniles who have been charged with a crime.
Darren and his team of juvenile criminal lawyers understand the intricacies of Ohio’s legal and court system. We will provide the expert legal representation your child needs and vigorously defend their rights. We will fight so that no miscarriages of justice occur, negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf, and prepare a strategic defense for trial, if need be. However, we also promise to do more – the juvenile criminal defense attorneys from the Meade Law Group will help your entire family navigate these trying times.
Don’t let your child’s future hang in the balance – contact us today and tell us about your situation so that we can start working towards the best possible outcome immediately.
In most cases, when a juvenile is charged with a crime the case proceeds through juvenile courts. A juvenile has the right to legal counsel and there are often statutory provisions that expand on this right. However, public defenders and court-appointed counsels often do not have the resources to provide the representation a child should deserve.
Some juveniles may be charged as adults for severe crimes, provided that they were over the age of 14 when the crime was committed. For a child to be tried as an adult, the juvenile court must hold hearings to determine whether the child is eligible to be tried as an adult and the case transferred to another court. The sentences for juveniles tried as adults can be harsher and the convictions are not sealed.
Prosecutors and judges handle juvenile proceedings on a case-by-case basis. You need specialized juvenile criminal lawyers who know what to expect and what needs to be done to get the best results.
Juveniles are treated differently than adults; while beneficial in many situations, they are also not afforded all of the same rights an adult would be. Some of the most impactful differences are:
- That a juvenile cannot pay bond or bail. While a child is waiting for trial, they may be released to their parents, put in home detention, or held in a detention facility. Unfortunately, detention facilities often house very troubled youths who could have an impact on your child's behavior and psyche.
- There is no automatic right to a trial by jury for juveniles in Ohio; thus, most cases are tried before a judge. Due to the nature of the justice system, this can result in a juvenile being held in detention for years before their case is heard, putting their life on hold without a valid reason and additionally negatively influencing their behavior.
For these and many other reasons, you need an experienced juvenile criminal defense attorney representing you as soon as possible. We can help you minimize the negative effects on your child well before a trial begins.

Juvenile delinquency law in Ohio and the juvenile court system is very complex. You shouldn’t wait when a child’s future hangs in the balance. Your child should have expert legal representation from the moment the police make contact. Call us today and the Meade Law Group’s juvenile criminal defense attorneys will provide guidance and representation every step of the way.

Attorney Darren L. Meade
With over 30 years of experience and hundreds of trials in criminal litigation, Darren will be able to fight for your freedom. Don’t let fear and anxiety prevent you from making smart decisions about your future. The Meade Law Group can provide defenses for: